Warhammer 3 is announced for PC and is scheduled for release this year

Total War is a great series of computer games, where you can fight wars from past historical periods and other fictional works. This time, however, the game announced is Total War: Warhammer 3 (PC) which promises to make every player’s choice count to shape the outcome of a war against demons.

The game will feature races from World of Warhammer Fantasy Battles and the Chaos factions: Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh and Tzeentch.

“Our vision from the beginning was to create a series that was like an incredible journey through this world that we all love. The enormous support of our players in ensuring the success of the first two games led to our ambition to new heights and we can’t wait for everyone to experience it. “

– Ian Roxburgh, game director

On its FAQ page it  is informed that the game will not be exclusive to any online store and will be released simultaneously both on the Epic Games Store and on the Steam Store and on its official website. It is also announced that the game will be available for Windows, MacOS and Linux operating systems.

The game is already pre-sold in online stores and there will be a bonus for all those who purchase the game before its launch. The developers have not gone into too much detail about what kind of bonuses they will offer to those who buy games in advance, saying that they will reveal the bonus in the coming months, but that they plan a Race Pack.

Total War: Warhammer 3 (PC) will have a lot of official content and news, being new races and factions. However, the audio available will be in English only, but its interface will be available in several languages.

The pre-sale of the game, in the amount of $ 46.99, is available on the official website, on the Epic Games Store and on the Steam Store. Its launch is scheduled for 2021.