Cyberpunk 2077 (Multi): patch 1.1 is now available; check the details

The first big and promised update of Cyberpunk 2077 (Multi) was available for PC, consoles and Stadia, on Saturday, January 21st. This update would be focused on fixing bugs and giving more stability to the fluidity of the game, points that suffered difficulties especially on consoles of the old generation.

The first major update, already announced, offers a sequence of repairs. You can check below what arrives in Patch 1.1:


  • Improvements to memory usage on various in-game systems: characters, interactions, navigation, in-game videos (news, tv etc.), foliage, laser effects, minimap, devices, AI, traffic, environmental damage system, GPU etc.
  • Various error corrections (related, among others, to the loading of saved games, opening / closing of the game and point of no return).

Missions / Open World

  • Fixed an error where Delamain calls ended immediately and could not be answered in Vou de Táxi: Readmission.
  • Fixed an error where players did not receive calls from Delamain when approaching the relevant vehicles in Vou de Táxi: Readmission.
  • Correction of an error where it was not possible to progress in the objective “Answer the call of Mr. Hands” in Welcome to Terreiro.
  • Fixed an error where Judy ended up teleporting underground in Pyramid Song.
  • Correction of an error where it was impossible to speak with the Zen Master in Andarilho de Luz.
  • Fixed an error where Takemura did not answer the call in Rua dos Bobos.
  • Fixed an error where Jackie disappeared in Una Chamba for Dex.
  • Fixed an error where it was impossible to get out of the car in Fast and Furious: Great Race.
  • Fixed an error where players stopped receiving calls and messages when moving away from the area on Dog Day.
  • Fixed an error where opening the package did not update Diamante de Begigo.
  • Backwards compatible with saved games affected by a rare error where talking to Judy in Cyber ​​Doll was impossible due to an invisible wall. The error in question is being investigated.
  • Fixed an error that prevented players from collecting the reward in Service: Freedom of the Press. The mission will be completed automatically for those who have not been able to obtain the reward previously and the reward will be provided automatically.
  • Fixed an error where Delamain remained silent during Vou de Táxi: Readmission if the player refused to help him initially.


  • Error correction where a request to exit neurodance remained missing.
  • Removing an invalid item from the withdrawal.


  • Fixed an error that caused a grenade’s trajectory to appear in photography mode.
  • Correction of the pink tint of the particles when viewed up close.
  • Correction of cars that appeared incorrectly in Reported Crime: Welcome to Night City.


  • Fixed an issue where completing one of the robberies underway in Santo Domingo would sometimes not contribute to the progress of the Concrete Jungle conquest, preventing its completion.


  • Correction of errors responsible for the excessive size of saved games (related to the modifier that indicates if the item was created) and reduction of the excessive size of existing saved games (note: this will not correct saved PC games that were corrupted before the 1.06 update).
  • Fixed an error where the entry stopped being registered when opening the weapon selector and performing an action.
  • Fixed an error where the “Continue” button in the main menu could load a saved game-over file.

PlayStation specific

  • Crowd performance optimization on PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5.
  • Various bug fixes on PlayStation 4.

Xbox specific

  • Improved memory usage for character creation, mirrors, scans, camera remote control, menus (inventory and map) on Xbox One, Xbox One X and Xbox One S.

PC Specific

  • You will now be able to earn achievements while in Steam offline mode. Note: Offline mode must be activated before starting the game. This change does not work retroactively.
  • Game initialization failures related to the loading cache on addressed NVIDIA graphics cards.

Specific to Stadia

  • The audio of the performance will no longer be inaudible in Never Fade Away.
  • Fixed corrupted textures on various melee weapons.
  • Default dead zone settings adjusted to be more responsive. Note: The change will not affect the settings unless they are set to the default.

In a video released last week , Marcin Iwinski, co-founder of CD Projekt Red, highlighted the commitment to quality and the players’ experience, based on honesty and transparency, values ​​worshiped by the company. Knowing that Cyberpunk 2077 did not reach the expected quality, he asks the development teams not to be blamed and offers a long explanation about how the game developed inside the company and the various challenges and ambitions they dealt with. He then goes on to point out what the company’s plans are from now on in relation to the title, where we can be aware of the game’s update schedule.
Notwithstanding the 1.2 patch provided for in the company’s schedule, it will be released in the coming weeks and promises to complement its updates, in addition to bringing new ones.

Cyberpunk 2077 (Multi) will receive free DLC in early 2021

CD Projekt Red reported on the homepage of its website that the first free DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 should still reach consoles and computers in early 2021. In a succinct and summarized way, the company based in Poland did not provide further details about content to be made available.

The company had already used similar strategies in its previous product, The Witcher 3, which also received free DLCs shortly after its launch, with a total of 16 being made available in 2015. These, however, involved small quests, new animations and introduction of new items.

Therefore, CD Projekt Red seems to keep its timetable for the new title, along with the mods and patches for updating and fixing the bugs. What lies ahead on the streets of Night City? The answer will remain open pending the release of the content, since even the images available on the official website are from the base game trailer. So, without many clues, it remains to wait to find out more information.

Cyberpunk 2077 (Multi) accumulates 13 million copies sold, despite refunds

With an expressive mark of 8 million copies, counted only in pre-sales, Cyberpunk 2077 has already accumulated the mark of 13 million units sold around the world, even with the increasing number of refunds for the game being requested by players.

The information was released in a memo released by CD Projekt Red. Despite the impact caused by the game’s return wave, mainly on the PS4 and Xbox One versions, sales are within expectations for the period.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Due to the problems presented on the Sony platform, the title remains unavailable indefinitely on PlayStation Store.

Cyberpunk 2077 (Multi): update 1.05 is now available for PS4 and Xbox One

A new update for Cyberpunk 2077 is now available for PS4 and Xbox One. Update 1.05 brings a series of fixes for quests, visuals, gameplay and user interface, in addition to stability and performance improvements in the game’s execution. The fixes will be made available for PC later.

This update is already the second since the game’s release on the 10th. Two major patch patches will be made available, according to CD Projekt Red, starting in January 2021. PS4 and Xbox One players can request a refund for the game if do not want to wait for the correction packages.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Cyberpunk 2077 (Multi) REFUND from playstation store and microsoft

With just one week on the market, Cyberpunk 2077 made history as one of the biggest releases in the gaming industry worldwide. However, the event will be marked by a game below the quality that was promised, generating more annoyances than ever before. With several serious technical problems in the console versions, Sony made a final decision to ease tensions between consumers who bought the game at its digital store and are days trying to get the money spent on the game.

In a statement posted on one of its official Twitter profiles, the news came that Cyberpunk 2077 was withdrawn from the PlayStation Store indefinitely and a refund of the amount paid for the game will be offered. The profile guides consumers to access a website dedicated to the subject, where the refund request must be made.

Cyberpunk 2077 was released on December 10 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. With more than 8 million copies sold in the pre-sale period alone, the controversies started when players on the current generation consoles started reporting serious problems. performance and stability with the game, which presented excessive bugs and execution errors, causing a compromise in the game experience.

Anyone who purchased the game from the Microsoft digital store will be able to request a refund.

A day after Sony spoke about the problematic situation created by the CD Projekt Red game in the PlayStation community, Microsoft today announced that it will also offer an unrestricted refund to players who purchased Cyberpunk 2077 at the Xbox digital store.

Reports from people who bought the RPG on Xbox One make it clear that the title has the same technical problems presented on the Sony console. However, because they do not have such restrictive policies in relation to product refunds, many have managed to recover the amount paid for the game without much complications since the game’s release last Thursday.

Death Stranding and Cyberpunk 2077 crossover revealed for PC

It was just revealed that Death Stranding will be making a crossover with Cyberpunk 2077 which will be available to PC players. This will add new missions and characters that will bring the tradition and atmosphere of Cyberpunk 2077 to this game.

In addition to these novelties, Sam Bridges will be able to have new unlockable, aesthetic and equipment, among which we can find:

  • Cyberpunk 2077’s Reverse trike themed vehicle
  • Johnny Arm: Equippable robotic arm whose model is reminiscent of Johnny Silverhand
  • New holograms, including that of a floating vehicle, Trauma team, these can be used in some constructions
  • New fashion items, including Johnny Silverhand’s glasses

Not all that are added are articles and decoration, we will also find new hacking functions and interactions, among them we can: target enemy machines and apply negative effects, temporarily prevent the activation of the Mula sensor poles, Stun the Odradeks enemies and even cut off the power to the Mule trucks to prevent them from moving.

Finally add that since yesterday Death Stranding is on sale at 50% in Humble Bundle, only for $ 29.99 you can enjoy this wonderful game on PC. Take advantage of the fact that the offer lasts until January 5 to take this product as your great little Christmas gift.

cyberpunk 2077 – review


In this game, you will visit the future, more precisely, an alternative universe from the year 2077. By this time, humanity has surrendered to the power of technology, betting on technological advances to improve their lives, thanks to cybernetic implants and modifiers. However, despite substantial improvements, humanity has never abandoned its violent and predatory nature, making the Earth almost uninhabitable with the exception of its mega-cities. One is Night City, California. This huge city is full of great contrasts, where corporate powers exploit citizens and where there is a struggle for survival, in obvious technological slavery.

In the middle of this whirlwind, you are the protagonist. Its origin depends on three choices you make at the beginning. You are either a citizen of the streets, an outsider from the various villages around Night City, or a member of the corporate powers betrayed and made a rebel. 

Whatever your choice, V will eventually reach the role of mercenary, living off the various blows and the best price to execute them. With his inseparable friend Jackie Welles, V ends up entering the sub-world of organized crime, getting to know the worst the city has to offer. And it is by accepting a slightly more complex job that things don’t go so well.

The mission seems linear, though somewhat complex. Infiltrate the ultra-secure tower of the mega-corporation Arasaka and steal a delicate chip, called Relic. Everything is frankly wrong in this highly elaborated plan, leading the pair to be at risk of life. In a bold and almost failed escape from the Tower, the suitcase carrying the Relic is damaged. With little time to decide, V is forced to take an extreme step: inject the stolen chip into his own cyber socket. And, as if there were no more possible twists, V ends up betrayed by his own contractor. Everything seems lost.

The foundations of Cyberpunk 2077 are those of a classic role-playing game with added different layers taken from genres such as first-person shooter, stealth and driving. It is easy to trace its influences in this regard as the structure of game systems and mechanics that make up the foundations of the game is exactly the same as that of Bethesda’s modern Fallouts or the recent The Outer Worlds.

The video game has combat and dialogue systems (offering different responses) based on statistics and numbers. Your weapons have damage, your character has statistics that allow you to increase that damage and even use special equipment and the alternative options to combat are unlocked too, thanks to your character’s statistics (making him able to intimidate, discover special secrets, hack some devices and more).

Very early in game, you are confronted with the reality that is hidden in this futuristic facade. Not only are V’s activities of suspicious origin, but this is a violent city, where several gangs and organizations challenge you at every corner and even the emergency medical units wield weapons. The Arasaka Corporation itself is not very satisfied with V, as you can imagine. Anyway, there are many dangers and risks here. There is even a recurring joke, in which in this city when someone dies of old age, he deserved to be decorated. Therefore, weapons are the main tool of survival.

You will have weapons of various types and tastes. Double-barreled shotguns, machine guns, assault or sniper rifles, pistols, among other firearms, all with added value and defects, being able to receive modifications, sights and suppressors. There are also close combat weapons, including swords, knives, clubs and other tools of violence. None is truly memorable, as you will receive too many over the course of the game and, in most cases, sell or dismantle several for parts. It also has grenades and some temporary heavy weapons and even remote controls. Shootings are frequent and vary in difficulty depending on the level and type of mission.

The game has a great incentive to use subterfuge, such as hacking systems or even the guards themselves to inhibit them, relying heavily on more stealthy action. In some sections, it is much better to bet on that. Not only are the first weapons very weak to do damage, but the exaggeration in the recoil and the imprecision seem to be too penalizing. You have to constantly craft ammunition because you might use too much and the cover system is not very effective. Also, Artificial Intelligence is either very accurate or incredibly apathetic, giving a somewhat inconsistent exchanges of shots.

All of this is a matter of taste, easily resolved with a few changes in the logic and balance. On the other hand, if you only bet on the shots and forget the “cyber” component, you may miss out on the purpose of the whole game. Hacking is also crude, relying on a logic of online sequences at a given time. But if you master this part, you will discover immense advantages in hacking enemies’ implants to distract or even eliminate them and also in deactivating alarm systems or the enemy’s own weapons.

Without going into gutting the plot of Cyberpunk 2077 (neither the main one nor the various optional plots linked to secondary characters), it is a video game that professes a love for the literature of the American Beat Generation. Regardless of the decisions you make, Cyberpunk 2077 approaches the Beat Generation through Johnny Silverhand (Keanu Reeves), the main character apart from your avatar and an antihero who embodies the values ​​of this literary movement.

Defeated and marginalized by a militaristic and capitalist system, Silverhand maintains a constant belligerent attitude and with revolutionary touches, but always from individualism. And the game (and your protagonist) is soaked in it. Cyberpunk 2077 is, narratively, an undoubted expression of the individuality (partially uncritical) of the Beat Generation, of the fight against the impositions of the system from a marginal environment dominated by violence.

And precisely the most sadistic violence and completely explicit sex scenes are a recurring thing in Cyberpunk 2077. Partly to offer a relatively critical view of this capitalist dystopia (in which people literally and metaphorically dehumanize themselves to become mere machines that are treated as resources), and partly in an effort to demonstrate maturity.

If you played The Witcher series, also from CD Projekt RED, you already know that the Polish producer strives to build characters and give them meaningful stories and well-written and intricate outcomes. In fact, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt is considered by many to be one of the best RPGs ever, just another reason why Cyberpunk 2077 has so many people looking forward to its arrival. In fact, both V and the other characters have very well-defined personalities and roles, full of narrative quality. The actors who lend their voices to the characters clearly contribute to this.

From start to finish, there is a sense of legitimacy for each decision, each posture, each line of dialogue. The characters are highly developed, obviously, depending on its importance in the plot, of course. There is only one character in particular that would have needed a better definition and that is Evelyn Parker (below), whose outcome in her story seems frankly hurried and uninspired.

Generally speaking, gameplay is typical of any action RPG. Unlike The Witcher, CDPR decided to put gameplay in the first person, a technical option that fits relatively well into the elements of hacking and combat. Stealth is fun and satisfying thanks to the good level design, which turns these silent forays into Dishonored – style puzzles. Hacking allows you to manage the environment to your liking and offers dozens of options when tackling each mission. The open world is vast, dense and complex, with much to do and secrets to discover around every corner.

Strolling through Night City, you will be dazzled by the design of this futuristic vision. You will definitely appreciate its size, social contrasts, technology and bright neon signs, probably on the way to some task, mission or message. Navigation through the vast city is done on foot (good luck with that), vehicles that you will be collecting or through the fast-travel network in the game. Night City is huge, not to mention the vast area that surrounds it, such as the Bad Lands deserts. The sense of dimension of this dense city, is complete with the verticality of its imposing buildings, some with an exploitable interior, without forgetting the various underground areas.

Several details of the gameplay are very commendable, with special emphasis on the mythical Braindance. These elaborate investigative sequences, could be described as a sort of “detective vision” of a futuristic Batman, serving to search through memories stored on chips. In the future, humans will be able to store their memories (and even their conscience) in “shards” that can then be reviewed, and they can even “leave” the bodies of the actors and study their surroundings as a “drone”. Unfortunately, you will not use this technology often.

However, there are other details that are not so easy to “digest”. It is incomprehensible that, with so many postponements, CD Projekt RED delivered a game so full of bugs, glitches and technical errors. Perhaps the most noticeable in game, and on a mechanical level is driving. While it is not particularly bad (it is well above other open world games like Watch Dogs), it is not at the level of the rest of the game systems. But the video game itself is aware of this lack and you are hardly required to drive, leaving it as a very secondary task and, in most cases, a simple way to go through Night City more quickly.

With so much interest in creating a visually stunning game, the optimization on the Sony console, even though it is not a PS5 native title (only in 2021), it is not brilliant. Note that there is a lot of potential in the visual care of this new version of RED Engine 4, especially in lighting, character modeling, animations and visual effects. But, unfortunately, nothing seems polished, there are sections where the lighting and effects simply fail. Many events where the animations failed, either in the synchronism of lips, in the detection of collisions or, in other circumstances, even with objects or characters floating in the air can also be noticed all throughout the game.

Vast majority are simply visual, including cars and characters that appear and disappear and some weapons that remain on the ground even after collecting them; all of this is annoying but irrelevant when playing games, so its importance is very relative. In addition, we must bear in mind that the game is a huge world so it is quite normal to run into some failures.

On the other hand, it should be noted that Cyberpunk 2077 makes a very special use of sound. While we walk through the city, all the soundtrack that we have is the noise and bustle of the city. The shots in the distance in an alley, the shouting of the market, the buzz of cars on the road or the hiss of a plane flying over the city. This is what accompanies us in Night City and that contrasts and adds value to those moments in which the soundtrack does come into play with superb quality. All this makes up an outstanding sound section.

It is difficult to judge if Cyberpunk 2077 fulfills the expectations and dreams of all these years, and to summarize it with a note. As we all know, the developers are still updating their game to make sure the players’ concerns are addressed. But for what we’ve seen so far, Cyberpunk 2077 more than delivers on its promise. It is not an innovative or revolutionary video game, but it is a work that takes advantage of an exorbitant budget to put the ultimate power fantasy on the table in a very round way. It is simply the union of several video game formulas that we already know – building on Fallout’s RPG structure, the game features DOOM- worthy gunplay, Metal Gear Solid V stealth, Watch Dogs hacks, Borderlands 3 loot, Assassin’s Creed open world, and GTA V showmanship. All this in a single package and adorned with some of the most spectacular visuals that players will come across so far.

Cyberpunk 2077 has all the right ingredients to be one of the best RPGs ever. It has a very rich lore, well embedded in a story full of details, outcomes and frankly interesting characters. Design is another obvious asset, giving us a utopian future that we really want to discover. However, technical problems prevent the game from shining, offering frustrating moments of technical failures that make no sense in a game with this ambition, size and investment. If there is a producer that manages to turn the problems around, it is CD Projekt RED. Even with all the confidence that the game will improve, if there are games that are victims of their own hype, this is a great example.

Maybe Cyberpunk 2077 is not a masterpiece as a whole (although the construction of Night City is simply incredible), but it will mark a before and after as video games like Skyrim and GTA V did, setting the standards of the video game AAA beyond and, perhaps being the first truly AAAA video game… but this is something that only time will tell.

Cyberpunk 2077 Strategy Guide Now Available

You probably haven’t heard (note the sarcasm), but Cyberpunk 2077 is already with us. And unsurprisingly, it’s not going to be an easy game to master due to the vastness and complexity of the Night City map. The official Piggyback guide, now available, promises to guide you through the futuristic streets of the CD Projekt title and emerge gracefully from the trance.

The guide (which also promises to be as spoiler- free as possible) offers details and fixes about side quests, plot ramifications, optional challenges, and hidden rewards. Additionally, it contains a high-resolution map of the vast Night City, visual guides, and concept art designs for the game.

Piggyback offers two versions of his guide this time. The first, the standard option, includes everything discussed so far and its price is 24.99 USD. The second, collector’s version, is presented in hardcover printed on glossy paper and will include additional material. In this case, its price amounts to 39.99 USD.

As I said: getting lost in Cyberpunk 2077 is no longer an option. Unless, of course, we do it voluntarily and finally say goodbye to our social life.

Cyberpunk 2077 (Multi): check out the launch trailer

Today, CD Projekt RED released the launch trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 that highlights protagonist V and life in Night City . The title will be released on Thursday (December 10) for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia and has free updates for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world action adventure game set in Night City, a metropolis obsessed with power, glamor and biomodifications. You play as V, an outlaw mercenary who is after a precious cybernetic implant.

CYBERPUNK 2077 DEV still can’t beat the game after 175 hours of gameplay

We all expected Cyberpunk 2077 to be a gigantic, long-running game, and now our suspicions are confirmed by new information. These recent data allow us to get a rough idea of ​​the large number of hours that we will have to dedicate to the title if we want to complete it 100%. In the meantime, we continue to cross off the days until its release on December 10 on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, XBOX Series X / S, and PC.

Lukasz Babiel, developer of CD Projekt RED, is in charge of completing the game on its highest difficulty. After more than 175 hours he still has not seen the credits of the game, but clarifies that the normal thing will be that these figures vary according to what we want to do and our style of play.

“Not all players are going to need so much time to spend it, I am simply playing a game at a very slow pace on the highest difficulty where I play stealthier than usual, I take everything I see and use each and every one of the features that the game has to offer.”

– Lukasz Babiel

Be that as it may, what is certain is that a lot of hours of fun and action await us exploring the streets of Night City. And in the case of wanting to see and complete the whole game, we are going to have to invest a huge amount of time for it.